Wednesday, 15 February 2012



So I’m about to bitch more than I’ve ever bitched before, but this good friends and readers, is something that really, REALLY pissed me off.

The Government saw the citizens were enraged by SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, C-11, whatever the fuck they dished out at us expecting us to swallow and accept. These broad, poorly formulated laws threatened to destroy the Internet as we know it, and completely disregarded our rights, Freedom and Privacy.

So, what do they decide to do? Do they agree to stop fucking around in Parliament and the White House and whatever else freaking location they’re clearly too busy blowing each other in? Do they decide to finally PROPERLY represent the voice of their people who elected them to run their respective countries?

Yeah you fucking wish.

Apparently, in the government’s sorry-ass attempt to protect us from ourselves, they come up with a new law that essentially does the same fucking thing as SOPA and pals. But, what are they doing to pass this one, and counter the public outcry the other bills were greeted with?

“If you don’t support this law, you support child porn!”

^ for those of you naïve fucks who actually agree with this, get the fuck off this page. In fact, get off the Internet. (Seriously, how did you even navigate this far?)

For those of you who have realized what they’re trying to do, good job, here’s a cookie. Yes, those stupid sacks of shit who probably can’t even operate MS Paint are basically saying that if you don’t agree with this bill, you’re support child porn. Let’s go over the basic “innovations” this law has to offer, shall we?

1) REQUIRE Internet servers to give ANY information the cops want whenever they want, without a warrant. I mean your names, IP address, phone number. Did I mention WITHOUT a warrant?

2) Create a backdoor system to allow the cops to easily access the information on the internet. Jolly good.

3) Now this is the best, and I’m going to quote the EXACT wording from the article I read this bullshit on just to make sure this gets across VERY CLEAR. “Allow police to get warrants to obtain information transmitted over the internet and data related to its transmission, including locations of individuals and transactions.” (yeah, better keep those sexy nudes you were going to send to your boss with your business proposal out of your email, cuz they gonna look right on through them.)

4) Basically grants permission to courts to compel with other parties to conserve any electronic evidence.

So, I have a message, oh wonderful and powerful government, FUCK YOU.

Let me tell you what’s wrong with this.

#1, Every hear of a proxy, r-tards?

Somehow, these assholes are trying to argue that their new wonder-law is going to take those child porn-makers off the Internet and be big heroes. Yeah, no. Not going to happen. This is a clear indication that these guys probably don’t even know how to turn their computer on. This law isn’t going to STOP these guys. They’re going to find a way around it! Don’t they learn? Look at drugs. Yeah, woohoo they’re illegal! I can
walk around in any city for less than 10 minutes and probably get my hands on anything I want from ground up unicorn shit laced with LCD to heroine. In terms of the internet, this is simply called a PROXY, and while these dickheads are jacking off to celebrate their success, the child porn makers are going to come around from behind and surprise buttsex them.

#2, It’s a complete and total violation of our basic privacy rights!

Seriously, what right do these dicks have to intervene on our lives, regardless if we are law-abiding citizens? Are we to assume the government thinks we’re ALL criminals? I’m sorry, regardless of whether or not I have anything to hide, I’m not going to enjoy someone going through all my emails with nothing to justify why they’re doing it! This legislation can so easily be abused, with no repercussions for those misusing it. This very tool can be used to limit freedom of speech and the circulation of ideas that the government does not support, and this WILL be abused. Don’t believe me? Think of PEPPER SPRAY, and tasers. We give the boys at a station a new pew-pew toy and the next thing you know they’re firing it around like it’s confetti on New Years and justifying it with completely ridiculous claims. “Well sir, the use of the taser was warranted, the man, who we had restrained with 6 gun barrels partially up his arse was a threat.” Unless there is a platform introduced that there are repercussions for misusing the system, no law should EVER be passed of this nature. Where the hell is the goddamn democracy?

#3, This bill is being sent out to support a policy that hasn’t even been created.

Remember what I JUST said about misusing it? These legislations would be put in place before a policy to use them on is even on the table! So what would they use their newfound power to do? Good?

Again, you fucking wish. We’re talking about the Government here, remember?

#4, This pretty much is dismantling democracy.

Think about what‘s going on here. This is our government trying to keep tabs on the people that they trust the least, the real scumbags. Who are they? Oh, you know, just the people who elected you jerks. (At this time I’d like to say, FUCK YOU CONSERVATIVE VOTERS. Hope you’re happy now.) Slowly using masks like child porn, terrorism, and anything else you can do that’s shitty, the government is just making it nice and easy to slip into your house and say, “we’re only here to protect you” as they pretty much watch you shower. But goodness, they’re just trying to do good. They’re protecting us from ourselves! Do you also realize how fascist this is? Yeah. Let’s take away the rights of citizens, and give them to corporations. Look around if you see I’m being extreme. Do a little research, it’ll do you some good.

#5 Their argument.

“If you don’t support us, you support child porn.”

Well what the fuck is that supposed to be? They may as well say, “If you don’t help us pass this law that violates your privacy and lets us abuse our power more than we already do, we’re going to line up cute, fuzzy kittens in front of your door and systematically shoot them until you agree with what we say. That makes YOU a bad person.”

Wait, WHAT? The government blackmailing? They’d never do that!

Hey Vic Toews, Mr. Big Shot Public Safety Minister, I have a present for you too. FUCK YOU.

Cowards. You hide behind CHILD PORN to pass a law? Damn, how low has the Gov. sunk? (don’t answer that, I don’t want an answer. Really.)

So you know what I have to say to sum this all up?

I guess since I don’t like the Government completely destroying our democracy, since I don’t like the idea of police going through my personal stuff without any warrant, and since this is about as successful as SOPA and PIPA and all the other piece of shit laws that failed…



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